What does justice look like in the future? Maybe a little like this?
The Wanderer: An Urban Legend
by Elle Pepper
The Wanderer
Judica was not always a planet divided. It was once a beautiful water
planet. That is not to say there was no desert, but you could stand at
the edge of the singing dunes, on a sharp outcrop of stone and watch as
the waves lapped against it in an even rhythm. The sky, back then was a
beautiful purple blue, before the satellites came.
Our sun is white, but we are the farthest planet from it, and so the
weather is nice. I can just barely remember the waves breaking against
the piers, once a place from which take the large ships to the floating
settlements, now used to moor the settlements so they don't bump into the
field that bars us from our lands.
Great fields were put out from the sky, they pushed back the water so they
could mine, or so they said, but we know the truth, they were not looking
to mine our world, they were looking to kill it, and slowly they are
succeeding. Out of the copper wasteland they made, a single figure
walked, garbed in black, he became the vengeance of the desert.
The great Judican desert has no other name; it never has. It is as if the
natives felt that no words, no phrase could properly quantify the meaning
of those brittle copper sands that shift in the evening breeze. These
were forbidden and unforgiving lands.
The great desert including the singing dunes had been deeded in perpetuity
and beyond to a single solitary figure, a being more myth than man. The
Wanderer is the only name that figure has ever had. It is the only one he
has ever needed. And this seemingly deathless specter was, by now,
relegated to the status of nothing more than an urban legend.
But he is far from an urban legend. He exists and those few of us who
know him, are now finally ready to tell his tale. This is the true tale
of the Wanderer.
Copyright © by Elle Pepper
All rights reserved unless specified otherwise above.
--That's the first 5% of the story.
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