Donations Appreciated
Donations Appreciated
The "Nyx model"
Nyx is the world's first free Internet service, which I founded over
20 years ago, and which is still running under this model that I set
up -- see www.Nyx.net.
It's now a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, but still follows the funding
model I established back then: If you like it and want to donate, your
donations go toward running and improving it. Donations are purely
voluntary, so everything remains completely free. Nyx has flourished
this way for a long time on donations, proving that you
don't need to charge fees to provide good services (which was what I
wanted to demonstrate when I created Nyx, and which I suspect has helped
keep Internet access costs from being exorbitant, as they were heading
back then). It's similar to the public radio/TV model, but in the
"Nyx model" there's no government funding -- and no holding people
hostage during fund drives. :-) Everything's low key, no pressure.
If you've enjoyed PartyOn, I certainly appreciate donations
to cover my costs in making it available.
Donations are 100% voluntary. If you like PartyOn
and want to make a donation, I'd be very grateful. If not, just enjoy it.
If you feel the urge, you can donate via credit card (Visa/MC/Amex/Discover) or PayPal...
Regardless, I hope you enjoy PartyOn and find it useful!
--Andrew Burt